Marie Dahlstrand Untitled, 2017 (acrylic, ink and spray on mdf, 60 x 60 cm)
Installation view.
Installation view.
Nils Kristofersson The Function of Material (Dance!), 2017 (Nylon fabric and wooden stretcher, 73 x 60 cm)
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Marie Dahlstrand Untitled, 2017 (acrylic, ink and spray on mdf, 60 x 60 cm)
Installation view.
Installation view.
Nils Kristofersson The Function of Material (Dance!), 2017 (Nylon fabric and wooden stretcher, 73 x 60 cm)
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.

Konvergenser #3
Aug 31 — Sep 30, 2017

  • Konvergenser is a group show that from its first edition in April 2015 aimed to be an annual exhibition at Nevven Gallery grouping together the Gothenburg based artists that we love the most. The aim since then has been to keep on exploring and celebrating the artists that are contributing to the formation of a new thriving artistic scene in Gothenburg.

    This show gathers different generations of established and upcoming artists working with different techniques and exploring very diverse art practices, but all of them showing a central — or significant — interest towards the visual and aesthetic impact of the results, the emotional and irrational part of creation or both. Setting side by side abstraction and figuration, painting and drawing, photography and sculpture — Konvergenser doesn’t want to trace borders between disciplines, but in their juxtaposition this show aims to underline the connections and celebrate the discontinuities between the work of these extremely talented practitioners.

    This heterogeneous group of artists is the expression of a strong growing local scene but it is also clearly connected to an equally variegated international new direction in the arts. In the Contemporary art—world we are witnessing to a growing multitude of recognised practitioners and artistic researches that embody a new trust in visual communication, a renewed attention to the act of creation and a new interest towards the exploration of techniques, materials and crafts. This is the direction of the art—world which Nevven represents and exhibits in its national and international embodiments since 2015, and its local expression is the convergence that we want to celebrate and highlight in this annual appointment for our gallery.

    This group of artists is working at the same moment and in the same place, in a spatial and temporal concurrence, following different paths and directions but eventually creating works which reflects a new and relevant trend of the international art—world. Konvergenser #3 aims to channel in the neutral space of a gallery this renewed and exciting energy, a zest which is embodied in such proficient ways by the artists of the city where we live and work.


    A group show featuring: Amanda Björk, Klara Bothén, Nina Bondeson, Johannes Brander, Trinidad Carrillo, Chuyia Chia, Marie Dahlstrand, Ekta, David Eng, Ellie Engelhem, Martin Formgren, Fanny Hellgren, Jenny Johannsson, Anton Josephson, Björn Körner, Maria Kristofersson, Nils Kristofersson, Merete Lassen, Mattia Lullini, Ivar Lövheim, Eric Magassa, Bea Marklund, Sara Möller, Oskar Nilsson, Åsa Norberg & Jennie Sundén, Ollio, Jeff Olsson, Lars Daniel Rehn, Martin Solymar, Alina Vergnano, Zara Zetterquist, Fredrik Åkum

  • Konvergenser is a group show that from its first edition in April 2015 aimed to be an annual exhibition at Nevven Gallery grouping together the Gothenburg based artists that we love the most. The aim since then has been to keep on exploring and celebrating the artists that are contributing to the formation of a new thriving artistic scene in Gothenburg.

    This show gathers different generations of established and upcoming artists working with different techniques and exploring very diverse art practices, but all of them showing a central — or significant — interest towards the visual and aesthetic impact of the results, the emotional and irrational part of creation or both. Setting side by side abstraction and figuration, painting and drawing, photography and sculpture — Konvergenser doesn’t want to trace borders between disciplines, but in their juxtaposition this show aims to underline the connections and celebrate the discontinuities between the work of these extremely talented practitioners.

    This heterogeneous group of artists is the expression of a strong growing local scene but it is also clearly connected to an equally variegated international new direction in the arts. In the Contemporary art—world we are witnessing to a growing multitude of recognised practitioners and artistic researches that embody a new trust in visual communication, a renewed attention to the act of creation and a new interest towards the exploration of techniques, materials and crafts. This is the direction of the art—world which Nevven represents and exhibits in its national and international embodiments since 2015, and its local expression is the convergence that we want to celebrate and highlight in this annual appointment for our gallery.

    This group of artists is working at the same moment and in the same place, in a spatial and temporal concurrence, following different paths and directions but eventually creating works which reflects a new and relevant trend of the international art—world. Konvergenser #3 aims to channel in the neutral space of a gallery this renewed and exciting energy, a zest which is embodied in such proficient ways by the artists of the city where we live and work.


    A group show featuring: Amanda Björk, Klara Bothén, Nina Bondeson, Johannes Brander, Trinidad Carrillo, Chuyia Chia, Marie Dahlstrand, Ekta, David Eng, Ellie Engelhem, Martin Formgren, Fanny Hellgren, Jenny Johannsson, Anton Josephson, Björn Körner, Maria Kristofersson, Nils Kristofersson, Merete Lassen, Mattia Lullini, Ivar Lövheim, Eric Magassa, Bea Marklund, Sara Möller, Oskar Nilsson, Åsa Norberg & Jennie Sundén, Ollio, Jeff Olsson, Lars Daniel Rehn, Martin Solymar, Alina Vergnano, Zara Zetterquist, Fredrik Åkum

  • Editions

    VV.AA., Konvergenser #3, Gothenburg: Nevven Editions, 2017 — Fanzine catalog

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