Installation view.
Fanny Hellgren Linjen (detail), 2015 (Wood and paint, entire—room installation).
David Eng Bangatan Obscura, 2015 (Photo paper, developer and fix, 110 x 75 cm).
David Von Bahr Untitled, 2015 (Airbrush on paper, 42 x 30 cm).
Maria Hilmersson-Landgren Bearing, 2015 (Tile plate, speakers, bearing balls and sound [10m 00s], ca 130 x 200 cm).
Fanny Hellgren Linjen (detail), 2015 (Wood and paint, entire—room installation).
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Fanny Hellgren Linjen (detail), 2015 (Wood and paint, entire—room installation).
David Eng Bangatan Obscura, 2015 (Photo paper, developer and fix, 110 x 75 cm).
David Von Bahr Untitled, 2015 (Airbrush on paper, 42 x 30 cm).
Maria Hilmersson-Landgren Bearing, 2015 (Tile plate, speakers, bearing balls and sound [10m 00s], ca 130 x 200 cm).
Fanny Hellgren Linjen (detail), 2015 (Wood and paint, entire—room installation).
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.
Installation view.

David Eng
David Von Bahr
Fanny Hellgren
Maria Hilmersson—Landgren
Aug 12 — Sep 8, 2015

  • Stafett is a two month long residency program which has involved four guest artists and two guest curators working at Nevven between June the 7th and August the 2nd.

    Every artist, with the guidance and the support of the guest curators, has been invited to work for a period of two weeks in the Nevven studio space and, after having created and installed their work, handed over the space to the next artist as in a relay race — a Stafett. The aim was to create a collective exhibition organically growing and developing as the artists’ residencies were following one another.

    As in a Stafett, the artists had to start their residency from the position that was left by the previous participant, therefore being forced to adapt their artistic intentions in a way that could either complement and complete — or deliberately work against and clash with— the existing piece(s).

    This interference and limitation are at the very core of the project, forcing the artists into a creative process which, besides challenging them to respond to the physical space of the gallery, demands that they also take into consideration the other practitioners and their work.

    The final exhibition is the result of a collective effort of the artists and the curators, a path crossed together to create something bound by an organic, strong interaction, where every piece is connected and at the same time completed by the others.

    Nevven is proud to present and celebrate the results of this project re-opening to the public with the group show Stafett which will salute the incredible efforts and unique energies gathered by these 4 artists and 2 guest curators who lived Nevven during the last two months.


    David Von Bahr (Göteborg, 1992. 1st resident) finds his inspiration mainly in urban settings in both Sweden and abroad. In his painting as well as photography, the base of his creations are the encounters with people from different cultures and social environments. Through intuition and attention to detail, colour, and shapes, he wants to create pieces completely open to the interpretation of the beholder.

    Fanny Hellgren (Göteborg, 1992. 2nd resident) At the same time as working sculptural and site specific, Fanny Hellgren’s artistic practice is based in painting. Colour is her main tool, but the material also plays an important role which are often found on the street or among trash and garbage. She constantly returns to the collage and has an interest in seeing what people associate to the materials, its history, decomposition and symbolic values.

    David Eng (Göteborg, 1984. 3rd resident) David Eng works mainly with photography and through an often spontaneous expression he examines how it can be a mirror of reality and at the same time a lie about it. Eng’s interested in photography’s mechanical depiction and the distortion of familiarity is reoccurring in his work – to view and reproduce what is visually recognisable without reducing it to something known and manageable.

    Maria Hilmersson-Landgren (Göteborg, 1993. 4th resident) Though being a multidisciplinary artist, sound is central to Maria Hilmersson-Landgren’s artistic practice. The goal is to give the beholder an experience effecting their entire body and for them to feel sound through all senses. Reoccurring in Maria’s work is the wish to put light on a silence and the relation between sight and hearing, how to effect these senses and place them against each other. She also wants to examine the boarder between the real and unreal. By changing an original sound, and make it no longer concordant with what is being seen, the sound becomes something bigger and creates a shifting of time and space.

    Nejd (Amanda Eriksson and Jonna Kihlsten, Göteborg, 2015. Co-curators in residency) works to create places in which art based upon different perspectives, experiences and forms of expression can come together and create a temporary space. Whilst the format remains fluid, both in terms of content and medium, what remains constant is the underlying desire to challenge dominant ideas and hierarchies, and an inherent suspicion of anxious, worn-out notions.

  • Stafett is a two month long residency program which has involved four guest artists and two guest curators working at Nevven between June the 7th and August the 2nd.

    Every artist, with the guidance and the support of the guest curators, has been invited to work for a period of two weeks in the Nevven studio space and, after having created and installed their work, handed over the space to the next artist as in a relay race — a Stafett. The aim was to create a collective exhibition organically growing and developing as the artists’ residencies were following one another.

    As in a Stafett, the artists had to start their residency from the position that was left by the previous participant, therefore being forced to adapt their artistic intentions in a way that could either complement and complete — or deliberately work against and clash with— the existing piece(s).

    This interference and limitation are at the very core of the project, forcing the artists into a creative process which, besides challenging them to respond to the physical space of the gallery, demands that they also take into consideration the other practitioners and their work.

    The final exhibition is the result of a collective effort of the artists and the curators, a path crossed together to create something bound by an organic, strong interaction, where every piece is connected and at the same time completed by the others.

    Nevven is proud to present and celebrate the results of this project re-opening to the public with the group show Stafett which will salute the incredible efforts and unique energies gathered by these 4 artists and 2 guest curators who lived Nevven during the last two months.


    David Von Bahr (Göteborg, 1992. 1st resident) finds his inspiration mainly in urban settings in both Sweden and abroad. In his painting as well as photography, the base of his creations are the encounters with people from different cultures and social environments. Through intuition and attention to detail, colour, and shapes, he wants to create pieces completely open to the interpretation of the beholder.

    Fanny Hellgren (Göteborg, 1992. 2nd resident) At the same time as working sculptural and site specific, Fanny Hellgren’s artistic practice is based in painting. Colour is her main tool, but the material also plays an important role which are often found on the street or among trash and garbage. She constantly returns to the collage and has an interest in seeing what people associate to the materials, its history, decomposition and symbolic values.

    David Eng (Göteborg, 1984. 3rd resident) David Eng works mainly with photography and through an often spontaneous expression he examines how it can be a mirror of reality and at the same time a lie about it. Eng’s interested in photography’s mechanical depiction and the distortion of familiarity is reoccurring in his work – to view and reproduce what is visually recognisable without reducing it to something known and manageable.

    Maria Hilmersson-Landgren (Göteborg, 1993. 4th resident) Though being a multidisciplinary artist, sound is central to Maria Hilmersson-Landgren’s artistic practice. The goal is to give the beholder an experience effecting their entire body and for them to feel sound through all senses. Reoccurring in Maria’s work is the wish to put light on a silence and the relation between sight and hearing, how to effect these senses and place them against each other. She also wants to examine the boarder between the real and unreal. By changing an original sound, and make it no longer concordant with what is being seen, the sound becomes something bigger and creates a shifting of time and space.

    Nejd (Amanda Eriksson and Jonna Kihlsten, Göteborg, 2015. Co-curators in residency) works to create places in which art based upon different perspectives, experiences and forms of expression can come together and create a temporary space. Whilst the format remains fluid, both in terms of content and medium, what remains constant is the underlying desire to challenge dominant ideas and hierarchies, and an inherent suspicion of anxious, worn-out notions.

  • Editions

    David Eng, Fanny Hellgren, Maria Hilmersson-Landgren, David Von Bahr, Stafett, Gothenburg: Nevven Editions, 2015 — Fanzine catalog

  • Press

    Bäst Just Nu: Konst, September 2015, Göteborg
    Nöjesguiden — Aug 28, 2015

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